Background theory
Upper air flow: read notes on hydrostatic balance and geostrophic balance.
Surface flow: read notes on the effect of friction on geostrophic flow.
More background material on balanced vortices can be found in Chapter 6 of Marshall and Plumb which can be downloaded here.
Laboratory tips
Transforming from Cartesian to polar coordinates.
Measurement errors: you can watch the following video- Error Analysis Lecture by MIT OpenCourseWare
Guest Lectures
2023: “Tropical Cyclones” by Martin Velez Pardo
2020: “Intro to Tropical Cyclones” by Prof Kerry Emanuel
2019: “Hurricane worlds, from moist to dry” by Prof Tim Cronin
Other resources
Atmospheric pressure and Torricelli’s first barometer(APS)
Huricanes – The Greatest Storms on Earth (NASA-EO)
The Coriolis Effect – scam video