Four projects have been chosen to explore fundamentals of climate science but also make contact points with major contemporary environmental challenges facing mankind.
They are:
- Weather and Extremes – blizzards and hurricanes
- Fronts – the abrupt transition between air-masses of distinctly different properties
- Heat and Moisture Transport – the general circulation of the atmosphere
- Dig Deeper – review the previous three projects and dig deeper.
Each project emphasizes data analysis and interpretation making use of selected rotating tank laboratory experiments and climate datasets. The use of particle tracking (Lagrangian analysis) in both the laboratory and with meteorological fields is a common theme in all projects.
The EsGlobe, a framework for rendering environmental and/or model data onto a sphere (either a physical sphere or a virtual sphere on a flat screen display), is a central tool in the projects allowing us to explore climate datasets – see Esglobe/307.
Each project takes approximately 3 weeks to complete – see schedule here.
Grading will be based on written reports – see reports.
Explore the projects via the menu on the left.