Using atmospheric data here we will study both the Hadley Cell in the tropics and the turbulent Eddy Circulation in the middle latitudes.
Please read the following notes: project3_data_class_notes.
The presentation slides can be found here: project3_data_class_slides.
You are also strongly encouraged to read these notes on Potential temperature.
Hadley Cell – tropics
Relevant climatological fields can be plotted using the EsGlobe interface (use Climatologies/Atmosphere tab).
Plot zonally averaged fields of temperature, potential temperature, meridional wind , vertical wind and zonal wind and discuss evidence of the Hadley Circulation.
To estimate the meridional energy transport by the Hadley Cell use the following schematics: heat transport and moisture transport schematics.
Eddy Circulation – middle latitudes
Discussion of the eddy heat transport can be found in
Instructions for plotting transient heat fluxes